Today’s Regulatory Mix: FCC Announces ELAP Window for Connect America Fund Phase II Recipients, FCC’s Rosenworcel A Running Start on New Broadband Maps, Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau Announces Updated Text-to-911 Certification and Readiness Form and Registry Update to Facilitate Real-Time Text 

FCC Entrance Feb 2020 ShutterstockFCC Announces ELAP Window for Connect America Fund Phase II Recipients 

The Wireline Competition Bureau (Bureau) of the Federal Communications Commission announced the opening of the Eligible Locations Adjustment Process (ELAP) filing window for Connect America Fund (CAF).  From April 1, 2021 until August 3, 2021, Phase II auction recipients may seek a reduction in their deployment obligations (and associated support) where the number of eligible locations was less than the number of funded locations in their Winning Bid Areas.  To protect the interests of ELAP Parties, the Bureau permits Parties to submit information requested by the Bureau subject to the terms and conditions of the Protective Order adopted by the Bureau. 

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FCC’s Rosenworcel Posts Notes; A Running Start on New Broadband Maps 

In Notes from the Acting Chairwoman, Jessica Rosenworcel outlines the FCC’s progress on new Broadband Maps.  See excerpts from her notes below. 

In a matter of weeks we have already made progress and there’s much more going on behind the scenes: 

First, in my first meeting as Acting Chairwoman, I announced the formation of the Broadband Data Task Force to coordinate and expedite the design and construction of new systems for collecting and verifying data to carry out the law and more accurately measure and reflect our broadband needs. When I assumed office, one of the first things I did was assess the status of this effort. What I learned was that we had a lot of work to do and hadn’t yet begun many of the steps required to actually build a collection system. So I made creation of the Broadband Data Task Force a priority in order to kick-start this work. 

Second, we launched an effort to put the right mix of tools and talent in place. We procured an expert data architect and design firm to work with the Commission’s own data and IT systems specialists. This is important because these experts will design the complex web of databases, systems and public-facing portals that can support the new Broadband Data Collection data and the several public-facing maps we will generate. 

Third, we moved quickly to issue a Request for Information to jump start the contracting process for the creation of the Broadband Serviceable Location Fabric, a common dataset of all locations in the United States where fixed broadband internet access service can be installed. This dataset will be one of the building blocks of our data collection and will help give us an accurate and comprehensive picture of the availability of fixed broadband service throughout the country. 

What’s Coming Next? This is the best part. In the coming days we’ll be launching a new tool for consumers and others interested in learning more about our mapping efforts. It will allow consumers to share their experience with the Task Force to let us know when broadband has (and has not) reached where they live. Opening communication with consumers early in this process is so important because the best broadband map won’t be built in Washington, it will be built by all of us, with input from everyone, everywhere.


2020 FCC SealPublic Safety & Homeland Security Bureau Announces Updated Text-to-911 Certification and Readiness Form and Registry Update to Facilitate Real-Time Text  

The Public Safety & Homeland Security Bureau (Bureau) has issued a Public Notice to provide certification and registration instructions to Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) planning to request real-time-text (RTT) 911 service from Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) providers. The Public Notice also announces the updated Text-to-911 Registry.  The Text-to-911 Registry lists PSAPs that are ready to receive RTT service and notifies CMRS providers of the date on which the PSAP became ready to receive RTT messages. 

Under current FCC rules, CMRS provider must deliver 911 communications in RTT format within six (6) months of a “valid request” from the PSAP. The Bureau maintains this text-to-911 Registry to help facilitate PSAP requests to receive 911 texts. Registration in the Registry serves as a “valid request” and triggers the six (6) month deadline. The updated Registry is available on the Commission’s website. 


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The Regulatory Mix, Inteserra’s blog of telecom related regulatory activities, is a snapshot of PUC, FCC, legislative, and occasionally court issues that our regulatory monitoring team uncovers each day. Depending on their significance, some items may be the subject of an Inteserra Briefing.


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